Hasta la vista 2020 - greetings 2021
- Awakening Wellness Healing

2020 started as a promising year. The year began with the usual New Years celebrations followed by my annual birthday celebrations and lots of plans to move forward in 2020. My Theme word for the 2020 was Clarity, A CLEAR VISION. and I planned to use the winter months to clarify that vision. In early March, I was planning a trip to Northern California to participate in a women' entrepreneur business development training and then visit with friends. I was excited!
#8203;March hit and so did talk of COVID-19 and travel restrictions were setting in. I wasn't having it! Nothing was going to stop me from attending, until I got notice that the flight wasn't taking off and the course was canceled. Something inside went dark. I tried to turn the switch back on, but everything was just half lit. I kept telling myself, I will get through this, we will get through this. I felt a lot of darkness come up in 2020. My clear vision somehow became blurred. Rather than feeling inspired, I felt pressure and uncertainty. It was one of roughest years. My mantra became "Chin up, keeping moving... Inward."
#8203;And the truth was, and still is, I have my health. I have trusted relationships and even though my finances have been tight, I have a roof over my head, food on the table, clothes on my back and a car that works. In 2020, I learned about my wants and needs. I was humbled. I was reminded, with great clarity, what's truly important in my life. And I am so grateful.
I realized today it was time to set the theme for 2021. I hadn't put much thought to it, as I've just wanted 2020 to end. However, this past week inspiration has been coming in again. I'm feeling a renewed sense of hope. The light is getting brighter. I got it!
My 2021 theme is TRUST.
Wow! I just went to get a cup of coffee and I walked past my new Louise Hay calendar. I couldn't believe the January theme, I have to share this with you:
"In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete, and yet life is ever changing. Life is never stuck or static or stale, for each moment of life is a new beginning point as we move from the old. This moment is a new point of beginning for me right here and right now. All is well in my world."
That affirms for me that TRUST is my word for the 2021! And I sincerely trust that all is truly well right here and now.
SO what is your theme word for 2021?
I urge you to try it. It is a simple and powerful growth tool. And please share it with me. You can post it here or shoot me an email. I would love to hear from you.
Happy New Years to you and yours!
I trust 2021 will bring abundant peace-filled blessings to all.
Savita Laura Jachim